Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Still kickin'.

In case you haven't noticed, I've been on hiatus.

These past few months have brought a great deal of powerful and positive change, and I'm looking forward to blogging with relative frequency again as soon as I get my (rampant) wits about me. La Vie en Ginger's "readership" may be miniature, but I do love writing this little blog, and I really appreciate all of you who have called me out on my disappearing act. I plan on relaunching in the next couple of weeks. Check back soon if you like me.

Sorry I'm not...well, okay, I'm a little bit sorry.

High fives all around,


  1. I'm excited. Just thought you should know. Love love love.

  2. you might not remember me from high school....but i read your blog and i hate this hiatus. That is all.

  3. UGH I KNOW. Sucks to suck. It won't be forever, I swear. Just think of my return to blogging as fashionably late.
