Friday, September 12, 2008

The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings.

I cannot even put into words how glorious it is to be back on the North Shore.

I love this campus; I love this town - not to mention that life as it stands is a comfortable limbo between summertime laziness and actual responsibility. Classes don't start for another week and a half, so I'm mostly just wreaking my usual havoc in Evanston (read: loitering in Café Ambrosia slurping iced coffees and pretending to be productive) and slutting myself around apartments to check out everyone's decorating jobs. The entire world has moved off-campus. It's unsettingly awesome. And while I personally am beyond thrilled to spend a year in Gamma Phi, watching the paint jobs and the furniture shopping is getting me so pumped for apartment life when my turn finally does roll around.

I'm currently residing on the fold-out couch of Jamie Lynn...who just might have the most outrageous views in Evanston:



I spy with my little eye: the Bahá’í temple, University Hall, the sandy shores of Lake Michigan. Photos courtesy of my new digital camera, which makes everyone (or me, anyway) look tan and thin. Into it.

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